Je'Kendra Bell
Je'Kendra Bell
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Hello. I hope all is well. I want to be apart of this group to be supportive and a motivation. I am a mom of 7 (6 deliveries, 1 blended/step child). I've had 8 total pregnancies (2 losses - 1 by choice, and 1 followed by that "choice" (2 yrs later) that led to a miscarriage). I share this because I, too, suffered with fertility confusion after birth control, age, abortion, and miscarriage. Following my miscarriage, I had a really, really hard time conceiving. I felt punished for the decision I made, and I felt it was never ending. I have an irregular cycle; so, thinking I was pregnant only to find out I wasn't for a year, was discouraging, torturous, and heartbreaking. My first 3 children were born all back to back... So, "What was I doing wrong?", I wondered. I've had high-risk pregnancies, gestational diabetes, depression... Anything you possibly can name. So, Feel free to contact me at any time for advice, questions, the reproductive system, anything, as I'm studying to be an Obgyn. I cannot give medical advice, of course, but only can suggest what I would do, have done, or personally think. I'm only a text box away! ❤ Hugggz to all of you guys!!!

My blog is soon to launch, and I hope to have you guys apart of it!!! ❤ It's called, "Laughs, Cries, and a Bottle of Whine" 🤣😭🍾

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