deidra Padilla
deidra Padilla
Let's talk Breast vs Formula...

Even mommas who can not or do not breastfeed for whatever reason..

No judging!! Let's make this a trending topic!!

How Long did you breastfeed?
4 months

Did you choose formula right off bat?
No, I wanted to breastfeed but I had ppd so I was stressing too much and I stopped producing

What are your thoughts on Cover vs uncovered?
Home- uncovered

Why did you choose formula?
I stopped producing

Why did you choose breast?
Breast is best.. but I quickly learned that fed is best.

How did you make your decision?
I knew since I was little, health benefits

What was your influence?
Getting the pump, for encouragement

Advice on increasing your supply?
Nothing worked for me, but I’ve heard blue Gatorade and fenugreek

Do you pump?
Yep. Way to much for not enough milk.

Do you premake your bottles for 3 am feedings?
Nope I just got up and made them.

What are your night time feed schedules? (For
breast and formula)
My son takes an 8 oz bottle at 615 pm and doesn’t wake up until 8 am.

Do you tandem feed? (If your kids are close enough in age to do this)

Do you have to supplement?
100% formula

Yes you can answer per child if you have more than one! Please do... Let's make this a trending topic.

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