Brook Williams
Brook Williams
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Stuck in the middle of wanting to kill him and kiss him.
Last night, just as we were about to turn in for the night, we made the discovery that our air conditioning unit was frozen. This is my 3rd summer here, and it's done this every summer. Last year, when this happened, we were informed that the brilliant, genius person that designed this house installed too small a unit. During these hot hot summer months, we were overworking our unit. So instead of sitting in a hot house all day, I pack Will up and head to the Mall. Inside the Mall there is a little play area for little kids. It's closed in so your little fruit of your womb won't be tempted to run off with some other family. Will loves to play there. He can run and jump around and I don't have to worry about him killing himself. After about an hour of letting him wear himself out, his Paw Paw texted me to tell me the air was working. Perfect! Just in time. I told Will it was time to go. It was coming up on lunch time as well as that nap time....

I took alittle shortcut through Sears. Kinda taking our time but yet letting him run off more energy. Will was getting tired so every once in a while he would stop, lay down on the floor, start screaming and crying. I just stood there looking at him. Once he saw that he wasn't getting the response from me that he wanted, he got back up and resumed his aforementioned journey back to the car. Will was in front of me. All of a sudden he stopped. He saw something. I could tell by one of his little curls doing the jig that he was excited. I tried to look in the direction he was staring but saw nothing all that exciting. It was as if he could hear me thinking because as soon as I reached for his arm, he took off. Well I wasn't chasing after him. No way in hell. I stood there, keeping my eye on him. He was coming to an intersection....why isn't he slowing down?!? This child of mine takes a head first dive. Sliding on his belly he disappeared behind this yellow table cover. The small round table was set up as a gift display that they had going on. I just stood there. I was really really tired. Just breathe Brook just breathe. One day I'm gonna look back on all of this and......remember that Will is due for some serious payback....

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