@isrealcain2012, yes my first was a 7 pounder my second was born at 35 weeks he was a 5 pounder and my youngest was a 8 pounder I’m hoping she’s a 7 pounder lol
@light_bright I can't imagine, I have a hard time myself and your belly takes the cake! I have never gone past 35 weeks and I had tiny babies. And even then I'm a huge baby when I'm pregnant. But your blessed to be able to carry a baby so I guess just have to think of it that way, right? But you look great!
Well you look great.
And nope, another girl. I haven't gained but about 13 pounds now, but it's distributed everywhere. While I would like a smaller baby to make delivery easier, I really just want her to be healthy. If that means she comes at 41 weeks at 9-10 pounds, so be it lol.
@breloya, yes I had lost slot of weight before I got pregnant lol then this happened are you having a boy? And thank you lol it’s my last so I’m trying to enjoy it I don’t think she will be very small unless I have a lot of fluid
Lol. Well shoot, it's legit just your bump though. My thighs and all have grown. You're small everywhere else and I personally love your bump. My first was 8.8, so I'm hoping for a smaller, but still healthy baby this time lol.
@breloya, no lol believe me I hear it all the time 😂😂 I always have ppl asking me am I having twins lol nope it’s just one I think she’s big my youngest was 8lbs 11oz I think she will be close to that and yes it’s weird because with my boys I was weight all over not her and yes girl we’re almost there lol
Omg!!! I don't mean this in a rude way and usually don't comment on how "big" a woman is, but your bump is huge. You're literally all baby bump though. It's adorable, but I feel for you. 😅❤