So I've talked to many moms and it seems that sometimes relationships just die after having children. Idk if i'm being dumb for trying but i'm trying to save this doomed relationship. I feel like a failure. I get sad when I think about getting separated because in the back of my head I think no one will want me or my son. Not only that but I would have a really hard time letting someone new into my child's life. I don't trust people and I'll do anything to protect my son. I feel real down and sad that I have a child with a person who turned out to be the total opposite of what I thought. 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

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I swear, after my daughter was born my husband and I nearly separated! We were under a lot of stress from lack of sleep, lack of time for ourselves and eachother. Having a baby come into your lives is a huge change and it's okay to kind of fumble a bit. No one is perfect and no relationship is perfect. Once my daughter was old enough for my mother to watch her we made it a point to go on dates with eachother and let the other go and do something for themselves. It's essential. I know that isn't always feesable with everyone's home situation but if you believe in your relationship then don't give up. Keep fighting. This too shall pass. My husband and I look back and are thankful we did not give up on our family. Now we have another little girl and this time around we are so much more prepared for the stress a newborn can bring.
09.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
Every relationship is different and can be very difficult after having a baby. Especially the first year. It’s a lot! Also if it’s both of your first! What’s making you not want to be with your baby dad?
09.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
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