Advice on getting a two your old to listen and how to get them to do things the first time you ask them. I know they say oh it's just the terrible two's but my son is just out of control. I've tried time outs to taking things away I've tried pops on the hand and nothing seems to phase him. I don't know what else to do. I didn't have to go through this with my first son. Help please!

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Yes agree consistency and constant telling him why you say no etc ..
05.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
Consistency! And it’s work, but until he is trained, every time he crosses the line (and any leeway you give will make it less effective) you need to discipline. By 2, pops on the hand no longer worked for us and so I would make sure he was making eye contact with me and then tell him what he did wrong(always in a calm voice) and then pop his thigh right under the diaper... then I always comforted the cries and made sure he knew I loved him and told him it was mommies job to teach him to obey and learn how to act right and that next time I knew he would (fill in the blank) do the right thing. This has worked for both my boys. Good luck! It’s not easy, but once they get it, you just reinforce when necessary and life is so much easier and peaceful. Anyway, that’s what worked for us. Good luck! Toddlers are hard!
05.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
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