What's a date? I haven't had like a real date night with him for about 6+ months. We don't have money for a date and he works all day long (7 am to 11pm or 11 am to 11 pm) 6 days a week and his only day off is to spend time with the kids since we only get the boys on weekends
@tiffanyf, she could. She's very responsible but she's in school and works a job so I don't ask her for anything extra because of homework and having time with friends. I could ask my mom tho... we need a real date. It's been too long
Never :( .... #1 were poor and #2 no one wants to watch our baby at our house at night. I’m not bringing him to someone else’s house and ruining his bedtime routine. And #3 he just doesn’t like to go anywhere
05.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
I think we went out like 5 or 6 times since having the baby