So Im curious... I havd my week checkup yesterday to get my c section Staples removed... Which was extremely painful btw... So after aggonizing pain for about 15 mins straight, she asked me what my baby's name was and I had a blank moment and couldn't remember... I thought it was kind of funny but she ran out to get the doc... The doc came in saying this is a sign of post partum depression and asked me all these crazy questions .. I was so offended. Now I'm home and my husband thinks he has to check in on us every couple of hours because of everything the doc was saying.. my husband thinks I'm crazy or something now which really hurts.

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Smh! Well it sounds like your doing okay f that opinion. Lady sounds like a nut assuming. I love the fact that you found it funny lol so I don’t think you do ☺️
01.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
I had and still have Mom brain. I'm very forgetful and even more so now. Thankfully your hubby is attentive to the fact tho. My husband could care less what I go through. But it's completely wrong to make you feel like you're crazy. You're not. Let him know about Mom brain and baby brain so he's aware of those symptoms.
01.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
My son is 1.5 and I still can't remember his birthday sometimes. I never use it so when I say the date I'm like "is that the right year even?" I think it's just mum brain lol. Plus exhaustion. I mean you just had a baby a week ago.
01.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
That’s ridiculous. I had post partum depression after my second child and it was terrible. Forgetting stuff wasn’t part of my symptoms though.
01.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
You're welcome. PPD is no joke, and while I'm glad doctors are paying attention, it's not right to scare or insult women. Especially since being forgetful is normal, especially at a week pp and sleep-deprived! I'm almost a year and a half pp and I'm STILL forgetting his birthday, and I call him by his cousins name all the time!
01.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
@nomli thank you, everyone is making me feel like I'm crazy or unfit just because I had a brief lapse in my memory
01.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
Oh good grief...They're being ridiculous! I have been so forgetful since he was born. Forgetting names, dates, etc. I've had to pause and think what his birthday was, his name, my name, my birthday, phone numbers, so on and so forth.
01.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
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