Son gave me his hand foot and mouth virus any tips to help ease the pain?

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@lwolfie, you’re welcome. Feel better soon.
31.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
I went to redi med yesterday and i have tonsillitis so they gave me meds for that and one is an anti inflammatory so im hoping they dont blister up so far its just on my hands and hoping it goes away quick its pretty painful right now. Thanks for your input and help!! @dmgraham06
31.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
I had it this past summer 2 weeks before I had my baby girl. It was awful. I caught it from my son. He only had a little rash on his bum, sore throat and fever. I had the rash all over my hands, feet and face. I also had a fever and sore throat. The rash was so bad on my feet I could barely walk. It felt like pins were sticking into the bottoms of my feet.
All I really did was stay well moisturized. It helped with the itching and took some Tylenol for the sore throat and fever. Within a week the rash was gone.
31.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
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