I’m getting induced Thursday morning if I don’t go into labor by then. Got checked today and I’m 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced. I hope the baby will be ok since I’m just 37 weeks.
@arivera64, thank you. I think I will do that.
@cheyenneelizabeth1716, hope that works for my baby.
@mommysbabies, that’s refreshing, I’m keeping my fingers crossed.
Also as an ambassador it is my job to be nosey to an extent if I see things on the app that go against the rules @larubia2723
30.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
@larubia2723 I'm an ambassador on this app and so I am fully aware of things that mom life considers to be spam and this is one of them. Commenting on people's posts asking them to click links to help you get money is spam.
BTW I'll keep u in prayer everything will be fine ma don't worry
30.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
@larubia2723 this is spam. You can get reported for this.
30.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
Why do they feel the need to induce before you are full term? The fact that you're that dilated and effaced is just going to make your natural labor that much shorter because you're already progressing. I would decline the induction if it isn't for a medical emergency.
@shaneen32, I have a history of hypertension. My bp has been good but the doc said it’s best for me to be induced because my bp could skyrocket at anytime and it would be dangerous for me and the baby.
30.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
@cheyenneelizabeth1716 the standard for full term has been changed some time ago. Full term is at 39 weeks.
@larubia2723, what is it?
@cheyenneelizabeth1716, I know but I’ve been reading up on it and I see a lot about the babies lungs may not be fully developed. I’m just worrying myself.