Okay this is probably a stupid question but why is chicken so stinky when pregnant? Along with other smells. Why is it they can make our stomaches want to do flip flops?
It’s an instinct to try and protect your growing baby. Your brain is wired to be weary of foods that may be toxic/under cooked etc. So meat smells worse than most other food, to most pregnant woman anyway. Everyone is different but there is kinda a “typical” or “normal” category when it comes to pregnant woman and food. LOL
But as far as it making bacon smell not appealing my body sucks! LOL when I was pregnant with my daughter everything smelt horrible and I was sick no matter what I ate. I over cooked some rice and chicken in my crock pot and I couldn’t eat it for months, even after I had my daughter.
I get that had the same problem with my son but most of the time I have no problems eating the chicken or eggs or what may be cooking but the smell of it is like someone burned bad meat if that makes sense
29.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
Well your sense of smell is strong when pregnant. You smell everything.
But as far as it making bacon smell not appealing my body sucks! LOL when I was pregnant with my daughter everything smelt horrible and I was sick no matter what I ate. I over cooked some rice and chicken in my crock pot and I couldn’t eat it for months, even after I had my daughter.