I have been suspecting my in laws of stealing my mail. So I came up with an idea. I am going to see soon if they are. Posted on Facebook my plan and my group responded amazingly. So if my fiances parents say anything related to that post I know they stole my mail. They are blocked on my facebook and its a closed group.
You can get template that looks like its from a lawyer saying you and your SO need to come in and sign some paper work to start the adoption process have a prepaid cell number on it and all
@twillightrose I am so sorry you're in that situation I would call the police and comment there illegally opening your mail but I'm going to pray for you that y'all find somewhere to go
@mamaprince they dont care its illegal. Because we live in their house they truly think they own us! BTW electric and water and cable are all in my name. When we get the money to leave I am cutting utilities off.