So it's almost 4 am and I'm fighting with my man over his ex's sock being in his car >.> like the fuck if the socks are coming off what else is coming off 😂 no but really I'm pissed lol
@bunny713 haha you just cracked me up! And he's offering me his passwords and shit and I'm like no you could just delete shit 😑 ugh so over it right now haha
@kdstiltz right tho?! 😑 he's acting like i should just over look it and I'm like no bitch i love you and care for you I want to make sure you feel the same
@bunny713 no I'm not big on checking someone else's phone cause once it hits that point the relationship is over in my book if I can't trust him then why am I with him and I feel like that's where this is heading I don't want to put up with the bs anymore ya know?