jordan llewellyn
jordan llewellyn
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Hi ladies looking for advice, my daughter is 19 months old and normally is a very good eater but for the last week she’s barely been touching her food, this is tonight’s she’s ate two pieces of chicken and said she didn’t want it, I’m at my wits end on what to do, she’s been like it with her breakfast too and she loves all fruit but she’s barely eating any of that! She’s drinking as usual and seems fine, is it some sort of stage that she’s going through? She went like this about 1 year old, it’s just such a nightmare and I’m worried she’s not getting enough. I know if she’s hungry then she’ll eat but I’m just looking for some reassurance, thankyou girls ❤️

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She’s fussy enough as it is lol 🙈 Thankyou @sara-lou86,
21.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
Yeh it's perfectly normal. They all go through phases of not eating. Just continue as normal, don't make a fuss and next week she'll probably be back to eating as normal. They often get more fussier as they get older too lol
21.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
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