Last night I gave birth to my daughter on the happen so fast that I could not move or stop it.i feel bad because I didn’t won’t her delivery to go this way.she is healthy and we are ok that’s all that matters.i still can grasp that fact that I gave birth this way.i felt so bad but I was loosing a lot of blood and so weak I could not get off the toilet.i tired to get my husband up but he was asleep and not moving.i was screaming because of the pressure wasn’t to much pain that got him up lol you husband had got her out of the toilet for poor dog was so upset and trying to get to was so much better to have her on my on verses being induced.i did great no stitches or nothing.she is doing great she is so adorable and such a blessing i love her so much❤️this is one delivery that me and my husband won’t advice for y’all that’s over due just have patience and pray and get through wishing y’all that is near due date or overdue the strength to keep going and y’all have my support❤️
Omg congrats thats so crazy but as long as she is healthy that should b your only concern ma and u couldn't stop it she was ready to come out and so she did
I had contractions but my daughter liked to play games with me😉I was in the hospital the night before due to protein in my urine and high blood pressure.she flipped to from head down to feet first.i was going to be induced on Sunday for my health and on Monday I would be 41 water never broke just a lot a lot of pressure.
Thank y’all.i can’t believe I had her all by myself with no pain was painful at times but not like I thought it would be.i never would have thought I would be able to do it but I did❤️