I hate that I dunno what to do as a parent. My daughter got into the Vaseline and ate an unknown amount but I'm guessing probly one of her tiny handfuls of it. Its not toxic but enough of it can cause aspiration. I noticed she had some symptoms of it like spitting up while eating and often acting like something is in her throat, like she will stick her fingers in her mouth like she's trying to find get something out, also she has a fever 100.9 plus coughing after eating.
I called a first nurse they say to monitor her and bring her in if any symptoms worsen. I've been worried undecided whether I should just go to the er or make a Dr appt, also what exactly to say to the babysitter.my fiance has been of no help and hasn't even been the slightest worried or concerned even after I pointed out her symptoms. Its like he doesn't care at all and it pisses me off. I asked for his help on how to let our babysitter know, call, text or just let her know in the am and all I get is an I don't know.
Its moments like these I wish I had let my daughter be adopted BC I don't feel like an adequate mother and he is def no kind of parent at all. It doesn't help even with both of us working we can barely afford the most basic necessities.
I've felt inadequate before but not like this. I've had this happen to me at 18 and I know its painful and I knew it'd require hospitalization too.
Knowing that made me feel even worse.
And that is an excellent point. I often mentally beat myself up bc I think "I could've done this or that better" or " I should've done that instead". All in all motherhood is learning as you go. I just need to work on not beating myself up over every mistake. We cannot catch or predict everything. @nomli