Soooooooooooooooooooooo pissed 😡 off rn!!!!!!!!! I went to the bathroom & my husband cut our Sons hair & butchered it!!!!!!! Now instead of having a cute faux hawk... He has a lop-sided dumb and almost dumber hair duo!!!! 😤😤😤😤 I didn't get to see it done... I didn't get to take pictures of it being done... Do anything cute with the hair to remember it by... It's now in the trash with poopy 💩 diapers from the blowout I took care of this am... And our son looks RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!!!! Guess some of you got your wish... 😩 It's cut. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I'm half tempted to shave it off! Yes... It's funny... But it also ruins the trust that I had... Now I'm NEVER going to trust him alone with him... He always gives me shit for cutting my own hair... And he does this?!!!! Now I get to breastfeed Jim Carey until it grows out! Lol