@gabsmommy sorry.... in high school, I did pull off this cardigan over the shoulder outfit when it was 20 degrees outside cuz I saw my crush by the entrance lol. I was freezing but I looked hot ! n he made a comment by the end of the day y I didn't he e a jacket on lol
@gabsmommy better safe than them getting sick... I hate these high school girls looking like it's still 100 degrees outside. I know id's all about fashion but coats r in too.
I did. Luckily their winter coats still fit and my mom just bought them a ton of pants, long sleeve shirts and jackets. She is sooo good to them! It’s been very cold the past couple days. It was 40 this morning.
18.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
@gabsmommy, oh no that’s not good. I feel bad for not turning my heat on in the but I know it’s going to warm up and I’m trying to hold off as long as I can to turn it in because my electric bill will sky rocket.
@rebeccca3009, @gvarra92, yesterday I saw this lady traveling with her few months old baby and the baby just had a sweater and socks on no blanket no nothing smh
@rebeccca3009, yeah my daughter leaves for the sitter in the morning Monday and Tuesday she had no heavy coat just a jeans jacket I felt like a bad mom I wrapped her up in a big blanket 😫 thank God my sitter is only two blocks away from me.
18.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
I pulled all my kids winter and fall clothes out on Sunday and put away their summer clothes. Right now it’s in the 60-70s during the day and in the 40s in the morning so they are going to school with a heavy sweater in the morning.