@catherineg1984 omg! He didnt wanna be bothered! He got a attitude momma lol mines got one too he be kicking me when I try to talk to him about hurting my cervix he don't show no shame on ultrasound either he loves to flash people
@thehergruderfamily, mine is really stubborn too! They tried getting his lower spine on ultrasound for four months had me upside down sideways and everything and couldn’t get it! They finally said they had to do a intravaginal ultrasound to get it! When they did he had his hand over what they needed to see! 😂🤦♀️ they finally got it tho
@catherineg1984 lol mines is so stubborn like his father but me and him are both Gemini but I'm a Gemini/cancer I was born the last day of geminis but the beginning of cancer so our son is a daddy's boy too!