Esmeralda LLamas
Esmeralda LLamas
Ok my son is 1 and he throws so much tantrums. I see babies who sit on there mommies lap and mine over here is on the floor throwing tantrums for no reason. In public and in our house. I can't change his diaper or put on clothes or even bathe him because he is crying like it's the end of the world. With grandma he acts like this but not as much as with me. Does this mean I'm not doing a good job with helping him with his emotions ? Why can't I calm down my own child? Ps I have depression and anxiety idk if he senses that but even with depression I try and be a happy and loving mommy. I'm scared to ruin him and that he never learns to calm himself down when he is upset.

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@noahs.mommy, yes that's my son and I try and sing and make him laugh or I try and give him a toy
14.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
@ellamas, 😂 idk either I hate it though cause he just wants to flip over and crawl away and fight
14.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
So much anger in tiny bodies
14.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
@noahs.mommy, idk why they act like that ?
14.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
My son doesn’t let me change him without freaking out either I’m the only one he does it with and there has been times where my dad had to hold him down so I could change him
14.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
With my depression sometimes Idk what to say but i will practice this
But sometimes he doesn't pay attention when I talk to him
Is that bad ?
14.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
@ellamas, maybe try explaining to him what you’re about to do about 2 minutes before. Like say “okay we’re going to go to the car now so we can leave” or “in a minute you’re going to take a bath and then you can play with your toys” it may seem dumb but it helps a lot. My daughter has come a long way.
14.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
@eryka616, it throws tantrums the whole day. I can't even put him in his car seat without him crying like it's the end of the world but I will try more talking and explaining to him
14.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
You're not alone mama. My son is somewhat the same way😳😳
14.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
@alekandaryasmommy, thank you! That really helped. I want as much opinions as I can get.
14.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
So I have a very “spirited” child as well like throwing tantrums and stuff but she never tries to hurt anyone or anything so you aren’t a bad parent it’s just how some kids are. I try telling her things like I know you’re upset right now, but you can’t throw yourself on the floor. We try our best as moms and as long as your kid isn’t hurting people on purpose you’re good. Sometimes my daughter bites because she doesn’t know how to express her anger but you just try to help them to understand how to say their feelings.
14.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
My son is the same way. My husband yells at him and threatens him with time out every time.
Time outs are good if you’re consistent for a minute at a time. And I try to ignore bad behavior and praise good behavior. It gets better with time. Because they understand more. Plus if we’re in public I try to bring his fave snacks or a toy he likes to keep him quiet. You just gotta experiment. At this age they’re learning to speak for themselves and they test us like crazy. You’re a great mom just gotta outsmart the little ones sometimes
14.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
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