Kasie Leow
Kasie Leow
Was in the ER last night. I ended up spraining my right knee again. I took a shower last night and after i got dried off I wanted to get something from my fridge for a drink for the night and it didn't end that way. I slipted on some extra water on my floor and my leg went behind me and twisted. So I was in the ER for at least a while. But they didn't do anything to see if my unborn baby is alright since I'm still in my first trimester. So I hope everything will be alright for my baby. They had to do x-rays to see if I broke it or not likely it's just a sprain. And I was able to leave with an ace bandage and crutches. So now I'm home bound for a few days. Can't go anywhere because of my sore knee. So I guess I will be watching movies and reading a book for those days. Wish me luck on all this because using crutches is hard.

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Look at it this way...there's not a ton to do in Cheboygan, so you won't be missing out on much (I grew up in St. Ignace 😉)
12.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
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