Yesterday I had a great opportunity to start a new job at amazon, they told us at orientation not to bring anything because we weren't allowed to take anything on the floor, so I left everything at home. Wallet, phone, everything. Well I get there and they tell me I need my ID... which is in my wallet, at home. I couldn't start work because I didn't have it, so I was so upset I started crying and all these people were just staring at me and I was already really stressed out about starting because of my anxiety and so I had a really bad attack... well they told me to go get my ID and come back, but when I got home I was still so upset and nerve wracked that I just couldn't go back and now that it's the next day I realize I missed such a great opportunity and just feel like the biggest failure ever... sorry for the rant...

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Call today and see if you can go back! Just tell them you were really nervous and you'd like a second chance! You can do it!
29.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
I'm sorry that happened :( I understand the anxiety and not going back. I've done that before and it sucks so much. I hope you can find another great opportunity soon! ❤
29.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
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