@mami3st2011 if she's in the early stages she's not going to say it and she's more of the private sisters out of all of them . They're a brand and very smart when they announce things but I believe she is.
Well for any of them they own tmz and e network basically so they've talked about them being expecting on each but there's always one negative person to say no not her even though she has a boyfriend and off birth control it's very possible she is
If they are they're all due within months of eachother and are in the 4 to 5 month mark of pregnancy at least that's what I've heard even the surrogate for Kim
@rainbowbabymom, yes last season she got off birth-control she informed her boyfriend and they are both on board with it. I hope she is as well no one has confirmed or denied anything for any of the pregnancies
I wonder who the dad is of Kylie's baby either Travis Scott or tyga. Hopefully they do an paternity test unless it's Travis scotts for sure and he knows it
It also came out on The show that she's been off birth control and has been trying with her boyfriend . Hopefully she is cause she has struggled and I'm sure she's tired of playing the aunt all the time