26 wks 3 days..I went in for an ultrasound today...and there's no heartbeat😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭I can't post this on FB but I'm going fucking insane! Someone plz tell me why???💔💔💔💔💔💔
So sorry for you loss. I had a miscarriage at 9 weeks, and I it was one of the hardest thing I‘ve gone through, I can’t imagine 26weeks. I waited so many years after infertility to then just have my heart crushed. Only time and God will help you cope and learn to live with this loss. Virtual hugs!
@rainbowbabymom no I have to have a c section she gave me the option of coming home and coming back when I was ready or get admitted either way I have placenta previa and they might have to do a complete hysterectomy so the surgery needs to be planned anyway☹
Right away once they see no heart beat or hear nothing they admit you and induce you or c section you. In 2013 we lost ours at 36 weeks that same day we found no heartbeat I was induced . Im sorry but I believe u lost the baby but im wanting to know when the baby will be delivered and what they are waiting for if they are waiting. We now have our rainbow boy 3 years old
@mommyandstepmommy no I have to have a c section she gave me the option of coming home and coming back when I was ready or get admitted either way I have placenta previa and they might have to do a complete hysterectomy so the surgery needs to be planned anyway☹