I thought I'd be able to stay on here, but I will be leaving and coming back when I'm expecting again.

WAY too many moms bitching about their kids, and the lack of sleep they have and how their baby cries nonstop.

At least your baby is alive and here. At least they weren't screwed over by people you trusted. At least you don't have PTSD and don't sleep for days.

Be thankful your baby is alive. Holy hell.

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@xmellybeanx, In March of 2016 I had a stillborn at 37 weeks. In February of this year, I had a miscarriage at 16 weeks. I know how it feels, angry and upset at everyone who complains about children or does something completely stupid in regards to their children when you know you'd never do that or if you had a chance you would never complain because you know how it feels to lose a child you wanted so badly. I have post-partum PTSD with anxiety. I go see a councilor EVERY Monday and it has been helping me and I'm slowly becoming myself again and past the angry stage. I just recently came back to Mom.Life after my most recent loss. It won't always be easy, but it's a process. You have a right to leave and take time for yourself. But please find someone you can talk to to get through this. You are not alone. ❤️
24.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
Im sorry for your loss. But the best thing you can do for yourself is to let go of that resentment. You can't hate everyone else for having children and being stressed out. Losing a child is the most difficult thing a mother can go through but dwelling on every little thing in life is not how we get through tough time. You are going through something that most women on here couldn't even imagine. Have you tried to get counseling at all? I know that support groups can be very useful in times like this. You gotta take care of you! I know how badly you want to be a mom. I was there. I lost my children last year to cps and my ex doesn't let me see them no matter what I do. When they got taken I wanted to die. I didn't feel like a mom anymore. I had already been trying for a year to get pregnant at that point and having my kids taken just sent me into this depression where I just thought "what's the point of trying" but once I stopped trying and stopped focusing on it that's when it happened And I got pregnant with my baby Harley Quinn. And now I can look back on that difficult time in my life and smile because I got through it and I'm stronger now. So just stay positive and have faith that life will work out for you if you let it!
24.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
Don’t leave mama 🌷@xmellybeanx, there is a lot of mommies who can relate to you. I don’t complain about my children at all . I understand it’s hard for you are you apart of our pregnancy loss group there’s a lot of mommies in that group that don’t complain about their child. Here at we want everyone including mothers of angels 👼 to be able to open up. I am sorry for loss of your angel 👼. If you would like please message me. Your daughter is watching over you I know it’s not fair. I have my fair Angels 👼 up in heaven . On June 28 I had a Emergency 🚨 D&C and a Emergency 🚨 blood transfusion lost my bff during surgery flatline twice . But I am still smiling with all that has came by way. I wish you the best mama hugs 🤗 to you and don’t forget my inbox to open if you like to chat ❤️
24.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
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