Marie Rockwell
Marie Rockwell
1. Who are you named after? Nobody.

2. Last time you cried? Not sure. 🤷‍♀️

3. Soda or Water? Water! 💧

4. What's your favorite pizza? Broccoli! 🍕

5. What's your favorite flower? Sunflowers 🌻

7. Would you bungee jump? Too scared! 😨😂

8. Did you go to college? Ya! 😘

10. Roller coasters? Yes! 😀

11. Favorite ice cream? Strawberry! 🍓

12. Favorite thing? My dog and Maddison my daughter! 😀

13. Shorts or jeans? Shorts

14. What are you listening to right now? Well I'm watching The lion king with Maddison!

15. Favorite color? Pink! 🌸

17. Color of hair? Brown 👩🏽

18. Color of eyes? Big and blue!

19. Favorite thing to eat? Pizza and pineapples!

20. Scary or happy ending? Happy! 😊

21. Android or I phone? iPhone

23. Favorite Holiday? Christmas 🎄🎅🏻🤶🏻

24. Beer or wine? I'm pregnant, and I don't drink.

25. Night owl or morning person? Morning!

26. Favorite day of the week? Sunday

27. Do you have a nickname? Nope, but my mom calls me "love"

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