We have struggled for over a year with it he will stop cold turkey for a few days even a week maybe and then he will get a small bottle then a few days later he will get a small bottle and then when I stop really getting after him the bottle gets bigger or more frequent...when we found out we were expecting he said he would stop and now we're half way thru and he still hasn't stoped completely 99% of the time he is fine on alcohol but there's that 1% every few months that he drinks to much and is just a complete jerk and the only thing I can do is leave when he gets that way bec he gets so upset so easy that it's scary
I had the same problem. And yes we did fight a lot because of it. We talked about it a lot. And I ended up letting him drink on one condition. He had to stop drinking every day after the baby. Let him have his fun now while he can. Message me if u need to about it.
I would put my foot down and tell him to get his act together, or he can leave. You don't need that when you're already taking care of your little girl while your pregnant. It's hard, I did it, and you certainly don't need any more stress right now.