I'm due in less than 2weeks and I feel NOTHING is right!! Going my way!!! It REALLY sucks that up until now NOTHING is right how I want it for our newborn to come! My daughter now won't eat, there's gnats all over our kitchen and they won't leave!! No one wants to fucking listen to me when I say shit and I'm just ready to kick EVERYONE out! I can't clean how I want due to physical pain but it seems like I may have no choice sense people can't get it right! What's the point of having all these people living with us and no one is helping?! I miss taking my daughter out to play, but every time I do it the next day I'm in really bad pain and I should be resting these last few days but NOTHING is right for Baby E to arrive! I just want to hide and hire a house cleaner or whatever they are called to clean EVERYTHING!! I'm in nesting mode and can't do a thing about it! I have not enjoyed this pregnancy since day 1 and now everything is a fucking mess I HATE IT!! Rant over!!

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Who's living with you? Here's exactly what I'd do and I do this at home. When my family, including my husband, leave their crap all over the house I pile it up and throw it on their bed or by the door to their room so they have to step over. My husband gets so upset. I told him if I have to clean up after him that's the way it is. Even if it's trash he left lay. It goes too.
20.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
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