Any tips on getting your partner to help around the house more? I've tried asking nicely, asking firmly, and just being blunt about it and asking him why the hell he didn't clean up when he could see that it needed to be done.
I feel like if our men walked just 3 days in our shoes, as mothers, maids, cooks, etc., they'd help us out more. Maybe a whole week. So they can have a full taste of "motherhood"...
15.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
I personally dont feel like you should have to ask. It isnt your job. He should be helping regardless and im not rewarding bad behavior with sex. If he aint helping why would I give him anything to help. I NEED HELP! Mine just does it because he knows how I am. #Virgo
Idk your situation... but I've been "putting out" more and it has made him a much happier helpful man.. lol before I was doing EVERYTHING around the house, but now I dont even have to ask him to do anything, he just does it👏🏻