Esmeralda LLamas
Esmeralda LLamas
I'm so frustrated that my son has a hard time falling asleep. He's about to be one in October and he still can't fall asleep without a bottle. Today I gave him one at 7 then 9 something and Right now he is taking another one. No one understands how exhausting it is. I mean when he was smaller it was understandable but I don't see it getting better anytime soon so I'm cranky all the time because he can't stay asleep sometimes even when he naps. It's been 10 minutes when he is screaming crying and I have to go lay next to him or rock him sometimes. But he is already old enough. I don't understand why he is still like this. It's so hard to get him to calm down and sleep. He can't comfort himself. He is too dependent. And I can't always carry him and be around. It's really hard because I'm tired most of the times and him not getting sleep and me not getting enough sleep isn't helping. And stupid doctors say it's all a phase. Easy for them to say. A year with baggy eyes.

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It's hard mama I go through the same thing my daughter has to have a cup of milk before bed and takes like an hour to go down
15.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
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