If I took my daughter to the doctor for a stuffy nose/being congested will they prescribe something to her because these past 2 days I've been doing everything I can. I just want her to get better already 😭
There is some mucus medication that helps for cough/mucus it really does work & clears up baby .. but of course ask the doctor first if it's okay to use!! It's the Zarbee's Naturals , cough+mucus ..it's over the counter.. now if medicine is not your best option then use natural home remedies vicks; humidifier, bulb..
@alekismyworld I'll go get it tomorrow. I gave her a normal bath today I still think it helped clear her up but the soap won't hurt especially for next time. & thank you so am I 😭
@momma_dee I was doing that today but I stopped using the nose Frida because I read I should only do it like twice or it could make it worse. But I was still doing the saline spray & going in the bathroom with hot water.
@alekismyworld I'm so dumb! I forgot to look for the Vicks baby bath soap today 😭 I have a humidifier on with Vicks pads in it & she is sleeping elevates right now. She seems okay
Vicks on feet, chest and back, get the Vicks Johnson baby bath soap and put it inside the bath and while she bathes suction her nose. Will help a lot. And humidifier and elevate when she sleeps.