Problems at home. My fiances parents had their electric shut off because it was in their friends name. He owns the house right now. So, I had to get it put in my name because they can not get it in their name. Me and my fiance pay the bills. His parents do not pay bills like they should. They are irresponsible and they are using me and my fiance. When they forget something its our fault. We are at fault for not constantly reminding them of important things. We clean up their messes. We clean up after their dogs and cats. They poop and pee everywhere. They have bugs in the house too and they tried to blame us. They were here before we were. I have lost 2 pregnancies in this house and his parents stress me out. I am pagan and they are christian. His mom told me christians are above every religion and that I will be going to hell. I tried to say that America is about freedom of religion. She said its because christians allow it. I dont think I want any child I have around them anymore. I feel that they will fill my children with hate and fear. I am raising my children pagan. I can't stand being treated like I am less than a human being. I was told I can not have anything pagan in the house. I was also TOLD what the baby will do, where the baby will go and already before the baby is born I am a bad parent. I want to homeschool my child. I was told it would make my child retarded. I said no vaccines due to an immune deficiency in my family. I told them the baby could be crippled or have brain damage and die if it get vaccinations. She said she would rather the baby be in a wheelchair the rest of its life with a diaper than have mumps. I have a genetic issue with my joints because I was vaccinated. I live in pain everyday. My sister now carries an epi pen because a vaccine gave her debilitating allergies. She said the baby should be christain so it wont go to hell. She thinks I should be around more chemicals to help the baby get used to a toxic world. I believe in all natural and being healthy. She believes in drugs and poison and round up. We can not move out yet. We don't have the money. We have to keep the bills paid. They are in my name after all. My fiance is making chump change right now but its money while he is looking for another job. We have to find a place we can take our animals too. We refuse to abandon them. Unlike most people we don't believe they are disposable. I have had my dog longer than my fiance. My cats too. We are a family and will stay a family. While he is looking for a job I am too. I was told by a doctor though that all my pregnancies will be high risk and I should be in bed. I am already feeling it. I told my fiance if we can't get out soon things will get bad. His parents make us fight. I used to respect and love them. Used to. I can not handle any of it anymore. His parents are trying to trap is here. I know it. We have to move in secret. But we are far from that. Our car is broken down and its right now at the top of the money list. His Dad actually took my car battery and recycled it and kept the money! My stuff keeps disappearing. At the begaining of the year my birth certificate went missing. His mom said I must have missplaced it. I said I have NEVER misplaced it because it was in the same place for over 5 years. Yeah. I had to have my grandma get me another one because I am out of my state of birth. So many more details and a lot of pain mentally. My fiance doesn't like my mom... but he is missing her now.