I need to get my mind off Irma, so back to here. I have some questions.(no docs till after irma passes)14 days late now. Random possible nausea spells still. Some thick white cm on and off past 3 days. Today, i was doing heavy yard work and had to fly inside for a pad, because my usual Insta cramps came up fast and i felt like i was going explode from being so late. And then nothing, and they went away. Still negative preg tests, and with my extra opk tests, i am getting a very faint test line and nothing at all. (Im going nuts between this and Irma) At this point heres wht im thinking. Stress is making me late, big time. End of story. But why the random symptoms? I am also wondering if I didnt ovulate when I thought I did, and the last time we did the deed maybe I was, and maybe I got pregnant then, which would only put me 10-12 days past ovulation. I think. I dont know, I'm a wreck.

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@ladynannoinred, good luck!! Keep us posted!
07.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
@littleonemorning we were just placed on hurricane watch, safety #1!!
07.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
I would have to agree with stress! I know it's hard to have to wait, but keep yourself busy and safe please!
07.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
07.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
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