I really need some advice my daughter is one and has always been a good sleeper and has always had a routine of going to bed between 7 and half 8 and since after having her injections last Thursday her sleep has been all over the place she won't got to bed till 10 then wake up in the night and be a wake for hours before getting tired again which is really weird for her as she has only ever woke for her dummy I just don't know what to do to get her bk into her routine I put her to bed normal time and just won't go off she has also got so clingy to her dad now she won't do nothing with me won't even give me a hug or a kiss I'm just down and I don't know who else I can express my feelings to

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It might be because she hasn't had injections for so long and because you probably went with her she feels some kind of resentment. But it will pass. She's probably a bit traumatised and unsettled from the jabs I've heard the 1 year ones are horrible. I'm sure she will get back into a routine soon and as for hugging you and stuff I'm sure that will pass. She's only human at the end of the day and she doesn't understand all she knows is she felt pain and mummy was there so unfortunately for now she wants comfort from daddy. My daughter was doing that with her 1st 3 jabs so I'm dreading the 1year ones. Chin up hun x
06.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
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