I have been having issues with my babysitter (who is also my stepsister) and it's reaching a breaking point. We live in a small town and at first, having her watch my daughter went great. Now as time goes on she makes more and more excuses of why she is unable to watch her some days. I had an interview last week that she knew about 3 weeks in advance... she flaked at the last minute because her bf wanted her to go do some stuff for him. They go out of town pretty often and then today, after a 3 day weekend, she texts me at the last minute to let me know that she has been sick the last few days and can't watch my daughter today so I had to call in sick to work. I feel like she isn't taking things serious and now she is jeopardizing MY JOB with her excuses. So today I called around and can't find ANY daycare openings in our small town!!! I feel stuck and screwed. Does anyone have any suggestions that I may not have thought of already???? Any help is appreciated! Thank you ladies!
@bbanna34.hj, no. At this job unfortunately there are no other shifts. I work the whole time that we are open all week. Closed weekends. Which normally would make daycare very easy. There just aren't any open slots at any of the daycares I have checked at. Rumor is that there is a new one opening, but no date yet or anything and I haven't been able to get contact info for the people running it.
@bbanna34.hj, not anyone reliable and available. My other family here is seriously messed up and not someone I will have watch my child. And my friends here almost all work at the same time that I do so they can't do it. And the best answer I got from any day care place was that they MIGHT have an opening in December.