So... I just get home after being in San Diego for a couple of days with my almost 4 month old son... And he's not really interested in the bottle I just pumped because I haven't been practicing pumping and feeding for a while (I've been to busy trying to run my business)... Daddy springs date night on me after a two hour drive... And wants to use his method of CIO to put baby down for a nap... I of course get upset because I don't personally like that method... And he tries it every time he has the baby instead of holding him until baby is drowsy... And then lay him down tired but awake. Obviously it didn't work... And now I have baby on the boob. I feel bad for the whole family... I've been moving baby from our home, to my friends home for a week, hotel with my sister for a week, grandmas house for 3 weeks, home for a week, g-ma's for a couple of days... ruining his routine because his naps were getting interrupted at my work... And then he's off schedule now because he took a 2 hour nap during the drive instead of his usual 30 min- 1 hr nap... So idk what the heck kind of schedule he's on now... And he's teething, spitting up a bit & has gas... So I'd rather not try to stress the poor kid with having to. Change his routine for falling asleep today. But I was huffy and puffy and closed the door pretty hard in our room across the house... My SO picked the baby up to console him and then laid him down... But he woke up right away... Probably because he's in a new place again... And it wasn't me putting him to sleep. Now my SO if in the other room and won't look at me. 🤦🏻‍♀️😭

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