@jmmorgan304, I can totally see where you're coming from. I agree self-respect, as well as respect in general, is extremely important.
I ask because there is also women I'm sure that take that as a compliment to still maintaining part of their sex appeal even after they've taken on the most important job in the world.
I think there needs to be a happy medium, like I don't mind if my husband thinks I am still very attractive if not more I wouldn't mind him thinking of me as a milf. But catcalling would still be intolerable.
I mean, anyone that looks at me and says out loud MILF or they would like to fuck me can keep movin... Lookin and feeling good is one thing... I don't need to be told by anyone that they'd like to fuck... Self respect ya know? I can look good all day but I'd rather be known for who I am