Ali Head
Ali Head
Anybody else's 8 almost 9 months old absolutely HATE getting their diaper changed? I literally have to put him between my legs and put his arms under my legs and hold him down or else we have poop everywhere and he don't hold still but even if I'm not holding onto him he screams and cries and pulls his legs out of my hands he just makes it so difficult to change it.

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@gabsmommy, @hallek129, I give him toys I even give him like a tube of diaper cream or ya know something that he thinks is something he's not suppose to have I have even tried giving him my phone but he looks at it for a few seconds and then bam he's uninterested and throws it the only and I mean ONLY time we have an easy diaper change is when we go out and I have to change him in the store bathroom on the changing table he does so good with that strap across him I mean yeah it's still holding him down but I figured being restricted would still cause him to scream but it don't. I don't understand.
31.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
My daughter gives me the same problem I usually just give her something to occupy her while I'm changing her and she'll sit still
30.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
Been that way for months. It use to be a happy time in our house but not anymore at all. I sing to him to get him to calm down but sometimes it's just all out screams
30.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
Have you tried giving him a toy? That's what my sister used to do with my nieces and it worked lol
30.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
Yep! I think they all go through that phase. I had to really show my son who was boss to get him to stop! But they do eventually stop. Just keep at it!
30.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
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