Susan Olivarez
Susan Olivarez
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Ok...All married, 💍💍💍 engaged or dating couples - make this your status and answer honestly! This should be fun.

Who's older? I am. By 3 years and 2 months

Who was interested first? He says he knew the moment he met me.

Who's taller? Him

Worst temper? I get mad more often but I think him

Most sensitive? Without a doubt me.

Loudest? Me again lol.

Funniest? He would say himself and I probably would too.

More social? Me

Most stubborn? Him.

Wakes up first? Me. I get up every morning and help get his day started.

Cooks the best? Me

Better singer? Definitely me but I love when he sings to me or our kids.

Who enjoys traveling the most? Me

The most organized? Him

Stresses the most? Me

Most playful? Him

Best driver? We argue about this regularly and I will always say me 😂

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