I know 2 people who's swear they took shark cartilage (from GNC store) and it cured their cancer. One was breast cancer and the other was prostate cancer. But I've done research and cancer thrives in an acidic body so diet changes are a must. A high alkaline body has a higher chance of killing cancer off (like fruits and veggies). Google the PH scale to get a better idea of what foods n drinks are acidic so he can avoid them. Hope this helps. (Also prayer and faith helps) ❤
Getting a cancer diagnosis is scary.
Dealing with cancer on a daily basis is even more scary.
Please be or find an advocate for your bro. Someone who can go to appts, jot down important info, schedule specialist, stay on top of insurance etc.
I would definitely recommend getting a second opinion and exploring Drs that specializes in the cancer he has.
Stay positive and just try to support him. Reaching out to a counselor for yourself could be beneficial.