I EBF I hardly pump.. thing is I start school on Tues and I need to start pumping so I can leave some milk for my husband to feed him while I'm gone it's a 4 hour class what should I do?
@ecahanes, I just don't want to give up breastfeeding him it was really hard work my first I couldn't breast feed her and I really tried but she didn't have a good suction and she was lazy and then I had him and I tried and we got it the first hour or so of him being born
Well I don't think you need to power pump...I think pumping two to three times a day should be enough..I do that and I have over 100 ounces stored so far
@abby.catlin, I really don't want to introduce formula.. I worked so hard to breastfeed and I'm not stopping now! I just don't know if I should do like a power pump or what?
@michellelee1510, thanks for the advice it just tricky because I get my daughter ready for school and take her and also my class is at 8 AM and also my husband don't usually help out because he works late shift...
I'd either start pumping or introduce formula. I breast fed and formula fed until about 6 months. Then baby girl self weened off of the breast and just takes a bottle. (I am pregnant so she probably didn't like the taste)
26.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
Ask the baby's pedestrian if he can have baby food just in case. They normally can at 4-6 months (depending on their development)
I was also on the same boat, I couldn't pump enough. Unfortunately I won't be starting school this semester anyway, so I guess it works out for me.