I now see why a lot of relationships start getting bad after a baby. The men do NOTHING. the only thing he does consistently is complain about the lack of sex.
I think you shouldn't have to ask , the baby is his just as much as he is yours so he should already be doing things.. I have the same issue with my SO.. It's frustrating
@nicoclev men don't know how when there that young they think they will drop them my man was like that but still doesn't help out unless he told
26.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
@nicoclev really. I couldnt do that. Mine has the kids from 6 to 4 while i work and i do the night shift. On the weekends they go to the gym and i go get my nails done or something but all week he literally does it all. I couldnt sleep next to him without wanting to cut him if he didnt help. It would piss me off
@beebaby @mom365247 it's no use. Something is always more important to him. He glared at me just now bc I gave him the baby to hold and said 'here go spend time with your dad'
26.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
Hell yeah. I got 3 kids so that doesnt fly your doing something period @mom365247
@anacort he'll feed him if and only if the bottle is already made and nobody else is around to do so. He's never changed his diaper, doesn't know how to calm him
@anacort sorry I thought you said with that. Messing up everything. Oh that's not how hes supposed to latch you're feeding him too much he's pooping too much. 😑😑😑
26.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
@mom365247 most guys wait for you to ask for help. I agree with your comment
My husband plays video games instead helping me to put her to bed or find online why she not sleeping at night and wakes up 6 times a night and she 18 months
I think you shouldn't have to ask , the baby is his just as much as he is yours so he should already be doing things.. I have the same issue with my SO.. It's frustrating