@danielledew94, when my mil was pregnant with my husband she had the same thing and he stopped breathing twice while he was still in her stomach, when he was born he was blue and only 5 lbs after that she never wanted anymore kids
@amandahiatt i am worried a bit tho i normally have 10lb children so this lil guy wont get that far and i cant be induced if he stops growing my doc will do c section. How big was your daughter?
@kreese88. Its funny you mention cord when i was born i rapped in my cord three times i wasnt even alive when i came out. Maybe thats why that happened to me.
Yes with my youngest, it's just where the cord grows on the top instead of the side, it may make for a small baby mine was only 6 lbs 6oz when he was born. He will be 2 in October and he's still wearing 18 Month clothes and the kid eats and eats. I don't mean to scare you but when he was born as he was coming out the cord was wrapped around his neck but Thur got it off quick.
25.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
Yep! My daughter had that! Nothing to worry about, I promise!