I Need some advice😞
My Baby will be 3 months on September 1st... Currently I give her Similac advanced. Her last check up was August 2nd and weighed 11.11oz... The pediatrician told me to give her 3.5 oz every 2.5 hours and if i give her 4oz then feed every 3 hours...lately I've been having so much trouble with her because I give her 3.5 oz and when she finishes it, by 30 minutes she wants more and I try to distract her by playing with her or rocking her but she won't stop crying.. I change her diaper, I check if she's cold or hot but she keeps on crying to the point where she chokes for crying so much... I don't know what to do.. Because if I give her 4oz... She still cries and cries and I know she's hungry because she's always chewing on her hand and when I carry her she tries to suck on my face. I'm just worried to feed her so much..I don't want her to be obese😞

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Feed your baby when she is hungry. I felt the same way at first but it doesn't matter. My son is 3 months and eat around 4 to 5 oz about every three hours but honestly I feed him on demand. They will let you know when they need to eat. He weights 15 lbs but and my doctor isn't worried at all. He is a healthy but not fat. Just remember they aren't mobile right now so the weight will just pack on until they can crawl/walk.
22.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
WIC is bullshit. They're always on a kick about something ridiculous.
22.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
@val746416, omg don't worry about wic they can be really dumb. Let your daughter eat what she needs
22.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
Honey don't worry wic told me the same with my daughter but she was born over 9lbs they just expect every baby to be a certain weight but it's not gonna happen every baby is different don't let them discourage you if you feel like she's hungry feed her you know best mama good luck and keep your head up
22.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
@ecahanes i guess because when I was getting wic. They told me to watch out because over feeding makes them obese... I know she's just a baby but I use to be very obese so I guess I'm scared for her to go through what I went through... I'm gonna try feeding feeding her a little more and see how it goes... Thank you☺
22.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
My son is one month and weighs 9lbs 8 oz she seems right on track not overweight to me
22.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
Don't worry about her being obese
22.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
Feed her more it could be a growth spurt
22.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
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