Ali Head
Ali Head
My 8 month almost 9 month old has done nothing but cried for 3 days straight he's never happy I'm going to try to get him to the doctor today so see what they say but I just don't know why he's doing it he's generally a very happy baby but he's just started doing it. He's not running a fever none of his teeth look like they are trying to come in he's been fed changed rocked I gave him Tylenol and bought some teething drops gave him some of those just in case nothing soothes him he don't wanna play he don't wanna be held either he don't wanna lay down he acts like he's fighting sleep but does it even if he has had a nap. So I know he's not fighting sleep cause he's not sleepy. Idk what to do?

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I know your nerves and ears are happy!
20.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
@lana30319, I'm going to try that and see if it helps today he's acting better he's not been crying. We have been at my mamaws the past couple of days but he don't really have a reason to cry over there he's been there before. We are home today and he's doing alright.
20.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
Dang! And he is too young to try and tell you. Do you thing doing a full body massage can claim him down. Or it may be an area on his body that hurts him and If he scream you can diagnose him?
20.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
@lana30319, Idk I just suspect something else is wrong because he just screams even after Tylenol and those teething drops and usually Tylenol helps him.
20.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
So do u suspect ear infection? Or may he has a bad gas bubble in his chest?
20.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
I gave my son a frozen slim jim to break his teeth in. Make him some freeze pops .. hope he feels better. He needs something cold on his gums
20.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
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