I have a dilemma 🙄:

So about a week ago I went to another campus for my cosmetology school to see if I can re-enroll picking up where I left off. (Dropped out because my campus closed and I was sick all the time during my pregnancy to try to make it to a campus further away).

I can start Monday, but I don't have a sitter.

My dad feels I should just get a job and wait till the next time I can enroll, December, but if I stay Monday I'll be finished by then. He feels I should just continue to stay home like I've been doing for the past couple of years.

My mom wants me to work full-time and school part time. To me the only differences are School will take longer and I'll make more money. But I don't even have the option for part time being that I'm already finishing early.

Good news is that my school ran my old permit number in the system and I can still legally work in any salon 🙌🏽 but I still need a sitter. I don't even have the money and a subsidy program will take weeks-to months to get approved 🙄

Idk what to do. I'm tired of just sitting on my butt, I would love to stay home and be with London, but the longer I wait the longer it'll take .

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