The A-Z Challenge! Give it a go ladies!
A-Age: 21
B- Biggest fear: My baby getting hurt badly
C- Current time: 7:40 pm
D-Drink you last had: mountain dew code red
E-Everyday starts with: diaper change and a boob
F-Favourite song: None
G-Ghosts are they real: I suppose so.
H- Hometown: Gila
I- In love with: Andrew
J-Jealous of: my husband doesn't get sick
K-Killed someone: no.
L-Last time you cried: today
M- Middle name: Marie.
N-Number of siblings: 9
O-One Wish: For my husband , son and I to have our own place, happy and healthy.
P-Person you last called: my brother
R- Reason to smile: my family 👪
S-Song last sang: Master of puppets
T- Time you woke: 10 am
U-Underwear colour: none lol
V-Vacation Destination: home
W- Worst habit: trusting people too mucg
X- Xrays- idk
Y- Your favourite food: the edible kind
Z- Zodiac sign: cusp baby - gemini cancer