I wanna be a bitch so bad right now. Super annoyed. I asked my huband Yesterday morning, hey can you please pick me up a pregnancy test tonight after you get out if work (he works the graveyard shift) so that I xan take it first thing in the morning. He said "yeah sure". And right before he left I reminded him and he said in a kinda annoyed tone "yes I will pick up the test!". So this morning when he comes home I go and asked "did you get the test?"..."No I didn't. I'll get it later after I drop of my mom at work" (now I haven't peed in over 6 1/2 hours so I'm bursting). The whole freaking point was to get it while you were already out so I could take it first thing in the morning. I get that he works very hard. But I'm 4 days late now. My boobs hurt, I'm feeling sick to my stomach and now I have to Wait till tomorrow morning to take the freaking test. Soooo annoyed that I can't go back to sleep now. Ugh

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I don't know if this would be helpful but I took my first pregnancy test for this pregnancy after working the whole day, I had a feeling and wanted to see if I was right. I know I had a normal day and didn't hold it. The test still worked perfectly fine and I took a second test a few days later when I first woke up and it was the same result.
15.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
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