You can change him, even in nursery! I had the same question when I was in the hospital and they looked at me like I was crazy and said "it's your baby, you can do what you want!" Lol. Go do it! And congrats lovely!!!!
I could have put my DD in her clothes but I kept her in her hospital clothes till the day we went home. I also kept her with me in my room the whole time. No matter how much the nurses insisted on taking her. They took her for her vitals once and didn't bring her back like I told them to. It took me 10 minutes just to get outta my bed and to the door (C-section) just to go looking for her. I found her being fed a bottle in the nursery!!! I was so pissed because I wanted to breastfeed her and I told them no bottles.
@avie my first was in NICU for 4 months. When she got to wear clothes she could wear them all the time & my 4 week old was with me in my room the whole time and never was in a nursery.
Yes u can. & @avie not all hospitals do that. None of thenonws i was at did that. We could have babie in the clothes we put them in all day n night even my NICU baby
14.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
I did. I kept the baby with me the entire time so it was kinda like home
You can totally put him in one but if he goes to the nursery at night most hospitals typically say keep them in the hospital clothes. A lot of ladies put their LOs in their own clothes just for a few pics during the day and change them back at night. Anyways congratulations Sam ☺️ he is one handsome little guy. I'm so happy that he's finally here.