Jenn Garcia
Jenn Garcia
My son woke up this morning to feed his fish and realized that it had died sometime last night. He is crushed and has been upset all day. I don't even know what to say to him to make him feel better. I feel completely useless right now. He is 10. I knew that he would be upset but this is beyond what I expected. How do I help him feel better????

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Buy him a same one ....
U can tell him it survived ..
14.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
I dont wanna seem rude but maybe researching into why the fish died. Did it have a filter in the tank? What kind of fish was it? I know to some people fish are fish but they still need proper care. Hopefully your son feels better soon 😔 losing a pet sucks so much! We used to save little baby fish from petsmart & they grew up to be huge!
14.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
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